Monday, 24 May 2010

Kilka slow na temat powrotu 60's garage...

Generalnie bardzo ciezko znalezc jakikolwiek material dziennikarski na temat wspolczesnej sceny 60's garage. Byc moze dlatego, ze mainstream postrzega ta scene poprzez medialny hype, kreowany przez brytyjska prase wokol zespolow tj. The Hives, The Strokes czy The Horrors... poza tym, ze ta scena to zupelnie cos innego - zjawisko, siedzace wciaz gleboko w undergroundzie, kultywowane przez bande frikow, przetrzepujacych sklepy plytowe w poszukiwaniu rzadkich singli.

Coz, znalazlem wlasnie ciekawy wpis drazacy ten temat w serwisie Stereo Subversion i polecam go zainteresowanym, nawet jesli w Polsce moda na 60's garage jeszcze sie nie pojawila :)

Jak pisze autor tego wpisu, Anthony Saggese:
Back in 2001, it was thought that a quintet of baby-faced, scruffy New York hipsters would leave a huge imprint on our popular culture. Their method was solid – look cool, sound cool and get great write-ups from the British press, who still insist on hyping everything to the moon as completely life-changing. They did it for Dinosaur Jr. and Mudhoney before Nirvana took the big prize. They did it for the Clash before they even had an album out or any songs on the radio. Even with their absolutely bombarding praise of similar groups before, America was always slow to pick up on these new flavors of rock and roll.

Coz, calkowicie sie z ziomkiem zgadzam.

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